There is Something Good in Every Day

I apologize for the late post tonight, but I just got home from a school board meeting, so I am running a little behind.  Today marks Day 54 of Megan’s journey towards a full recovery from stage 4 alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma cancer.  Yesterday, Megan really started to turn the corner towards feeling better, so we were hoping for more of the same today.

Megan didn’t fall asleep until about 10:45 p.m. last night and this morning she was already up and watching her tv at 7 a.m.  That isn’t a lot of sleep for someone recovering from a chemo cycle, so I was a little worried about her stamina today.  However, the morning started out great.  She requested donuts this morning, so I headed out to K&W Bakery to get Kenzie a breakfast sandwich (she loves them there!) and to get Megan her requested donuts.  She specifically wanted a raspberry filled donut and a vanilla long john.  I told you that she gets specific tastes and when she does, she wants what she wants!  She ended up eating both donuts, so that was a good sign.  After that, I took Kenzie to school I headed to work.

Deb and I both were able to come home for lunch today, and Megan ate well again.  She had some Italian beef and some breadsticks.  She also enjoyed a red velvet cupcake that she got when we stopped at a gourmet bakery close to Central DuPage Hospital called the “Vanilla Sugar Bakery.”  Today was the first time she felt well enough to enjoy it, and she wasn’t disappointed.  If you are ever in that area, you should check it out!

After lunch, Megan was pretty tired.  Remember when I said she didn’t get enough sleep last night?  Well, that caught up with her today.  She tried to rest, but Megan has always had trouble sleeping in the middle of the day.  As a result, she was not able to take a nap, which she desperately needed.

Mrs. Larson came at 3:45 p.m. for Megan’s tutoring session.  Even Mrs. Larson noticed that Megan seemed extra tired today, so I think they took it kind of easy during their session.  Megan said they did a little math and a few other things.  Mrs. Larson always looks after Megan, and we are so appreciative to have her in Megan’s life right now.  She is truly a difference maker for her students!

20150225_122511I had to leave at 5:30 p.m. for the school board meeting, but before I left, I did get a good picture of Megan with that crazy kitten, Belushi.  No matter how tired Megan is, that kitten always makes her smile.  The girls are very happy that Aunt Amy has let them watch her two cats.

After I left, Deb and Megan went to Morris to get some groceries and to pick up Madison Emerson.  Other than going to the hospital for treatment on Monday, this was the first time Megan has really felt well enough to get out of the house.  However, when they got home, she was exhausted and didn’t feel good.  She ended up laying down and falling asleep on the couch at 7:45 p.m.

One of the frustrating results of these chemo treatments has been the impact they have had on her stamina.  Prior to her cancer diagnosis, Megan was your typical 13 year old girl.  She was involved in athletics, enjoyed having her friends over to hang out, and liked to stay up late on the weekends.  However, since her treatments, her stamina is just not the same.  She gets winded just climbing the steps to her room.  Most nights, she goes to bed early and sleeps later than usual (except last night!).  In talking with Nurse Kathy, this is a common affect of chemo treatments.  When Megan receives these treatments, her body is working very hard, even when she is resting.  So even though she is not doing much physical activity, her body is still in overdrive as it processes the chemo and fights off the cancer.  When that is coupled with her lack of physical activity, fatigue is a real issue for her.  It’s difficult to watch Megan go from being such a physically active girl to being challenged when walking up one flight of stairs.  However, we have to keep our eye on the prize and realize that this is a necessary evil which will eventually allow her to resume the activities of a “normal” teenager.

Tomorrow, Megan has to go back to Central DuPage Hospital to get her blood counts checked.  As we move into this more intense phase of her treatment, she will have to go twice a week to get her blood checked.  They have to make sure her counts are high enough to start her 4th round of chemo on March 2.  Hopefully, we get good news tomorrow and can turn right back around and come home.  We check in at 10:00 a.m. and if all goes well we should be out of there by 11:00 a.m.  Keep your fingers crossed!!!

I received a couple of pictures that I wanted to share.  The first comes from Nick Dziuban.  He helps coach the Coaler wrestlingdziuban team that just qualified for the IHSA Dual State Tournament by defeating Peotone last night.  Congratulations guys!!!  The wrestling team showed their support of Megan by designing warm up shirts that say “Team Megan” on one side and “Take Down Cancer” on the other side.  They are pretty awesome shirts!!!  Nick and his buddy recently participated in the “Hustle Up the Hancock”, which is a stair climb to the top of the Hancock Building in Chicago.  During his climb, he sported his yellow “Team Megan” shirt to show his support.  Thanks Nick!!!

I also received an email from Megan’s awesome supporter, Linda Miller.  One of the things our family continues to focus on is finding the beautiful moments in each and every day.  On some of the toughest days, such a focus is necessary just to make it through the day.  If you focus on all of the negative things, it will eat you alive.  goodineverydayHowever, if you find the beautiful moments in each day, it allows you to keep fighting for yet another day.  Linda sent me this quote, which I believe sums up how our family is approaching this challenging journey we are taking with Megan.

Megan didn’t have the best day today, but I can look at the picture of her with that crazy kitten, Belushi, and it makes me smile.  That was a beautiful moment, and that’s what I choose to remember from Day 54.

Let’s see what Day 55 brings…

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Megan is my beautiful 14 year old daughter who is currently fighting Stage 4 cancer. This is the story of her journey as told by her father.

20 thoughts on “There is Something Good in Every Day”

  1. That quote from Linda Miller sums it up best! What a perfect example of how to navigate through life on a daily basis. Hope you can rest peacefully tonight and that you awake refreshed and once again hungry too!
    Sweet Dreams 🙂 – The Berta’s


  2. Since I have been through chemotherapy twice I can honestly say that there is no fatigue like the fatigue you get from chemo. I don’t think you can truly understand it if you haven’t experienced it. Just know that there are better days ahead. Life is so amazing when you have fought and won this battle. Praying for Megan and the rest of your family every day.
    Donna from Montana


  3. It is good to know Megan felt well enough to get out for a little while today. It is understandable how tired she gets when you realize what her body is dealing with. I will once again say Megan you are a champion and an amazing fighter. And you are so lucky to have a big sister who loves and supports you as well as the rest of your family. And of course every person on Team Megan. Praying for a good results on your blood counts and safe travels.


  4. Prayers for a good blood count today. Each day is one day closer to you showing cancer who is boss. 🙂 Safe travels and MAKE IT A GREAT DAY!


  5. Don’t try to fight the fatigue. Just give in and lay down. Let your body work and know that it won’t be forever. Slow and steady will win the race. And you WILL win in the end!!!!!
    I’m very interested in this bakery . . . how did it compare to the cupcake from Smallcakes? I’m not a red velvet fan but I might have to check out their other selections.


  6. Today I will pray for an “in and out” trip to the hospital. Have the test, good results and home again! My prayers will also be for you, your wife and daughter Kenzie. As a parent, I cannot come close to imagining what those who are closest to Megan must feel every minute of every day. Prayers for your continued strength and “the peace that passes understanding.”


  7. Praying for good news on your blood work today. Hope you had a good nights sleep. Stay strong you amazing young lady!!!


  8. First I have to say I always love to see the pictures of Megan with that crazy cat–seems to be a very good companion for her. I also enjoy reading Linda Miller’s posts–always inspiring and positive; with great advice to help each and everyone of us! Praying today is good news and you will be soon on your way home safe and sound. Keep smiling Megan, we are all behind you and your family on this journey.


  9. Feel better soon. 💗💗💗
    Tomorrow at 2pm at Seneca High School I will be shaving my head at the St. Baldrick’s Event….in loving honor of Megan. GO TEAM MEGAN!!!!! Take cancer down.


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